Lorem Ipsum is Placeholder
Text Commonly Used in the Graphic Industries

Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.

The passage experienced a surge in popularity during the 1960s when Letraset used it on their dry-transfer sheets.

Until recently, the prevailing view assumed lorem ipsum was born as a nonsense text. “It's not Latin, though it looks like it, and it actually says nothing,” Before & After magazine answered a curious reader,

The placeholder text,
beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor
consectetur adipiscing elit”

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Creation timelines for the lorem ipsum passage vary, with some citing the 15th century and others the 20th.

It's difficult to find examples of lorem ipsum in use before Letraset made it popular as a dummy text in the 1960s.

So how did the classical Latin become so incoherent? According to McClintock, a 15th century typesetter likely scrambled part of Cicero's De Finibus in order to provide placeholder text to mockup various fonts for a type specimen book.

Although McClintock says he remembers coming across the lorem ipsum passage in a book of old metal type samples.

Lorem ipsum was popularized in the 1960s with Letraset's dry-transfer sheets

Nick Richardson described the translation “like extreme Mallarmé, or a Burroughsian cut-up, or a paragraph of Finnegans Wake.

Bits of it have surprising power: the desperate insistence on loving and pursuing sorrow. for instance, that is cheated out of its justification – an incomplete object that has been either fished for, or wished for.

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